RESEARCH - Proyect - People and Writing


PeopleAndWriting’s team promotes open research and global open access to each step of our work.


PeopleAndWriting starts with the compilation of all manuscript evidence produced in north-western Iberia between 900 and 1200, adding intensive archival research looking for new sources to the revision of published catalogues and other bibliographic material. All the documents collected will be studied applying the new methodology developed by the Project (see below). At the same time, we are building two digital catalogues listing these sources, one for Galicia and another for northern Portugal (Entre-Minho-e-Douro), with a vast potential for any kind of historical research. The first of these catalogues is available as a dataset (see below) and as a searchable database (“Catálogo de fuentes diplomáticas gallegas, 900-1200“). We are still working on the second one.

Digital reproductions of the most significant original sources will be progressively uploaded to the platform VisigothicPal – a software designed to make manuscript research more open and dynamic – and graphically analysed. All those documents that directly relate to lay people (as classified in our catalogue) will be studied from a textual and diplomatic point of view, expanding the software by including markup techniques and the edition and translation of all significant evidence.

Departing from the data collected, the method relies on its analysis by dividing individuals into three groups – scribes, signers, and readers – according to the role each played on written production.

  • Regarding scribes, the project studies who they were, who hired them, the place they had within their communities, and how they developed their professional career by adapting the different scripts used in the period to the cultural context in which they lived.
  • Following up with personal relationships, the project explores those who signed the documents contained in the corpus. PeopleAndWriting aims to explore who these people were and the links between individuals, also studying how they individualised themselves in writing by designing and drawing their own sign.
  • Finally, we will explore the readers. Those able to read were the archivists of their communities, deciding which documents were to be preserved and thus building the biased social memory of the past that has arrived to us. By analysing the extant sources, PeopleAndWriting’s proposal is to know more about their choices and how these fit in their specific context.

As per our ethos, we have uploaded most of our research documents below. You can also check VisigothicPal for our regular posts.


Most of the results obtained during the project will be published in peer-reviewed academic journals. Following the OpenAcess policy of the European Commission and the European Research Council, publication in open access journals will be prioritised. When open access publication is not possible, articles will be shared in Gredos, the open access repository of University of Salamanca, or as pre-prints in Zenodo, open repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program.


Castro Correa, A.; Godoy, A., “Introducción Vol. 41 Núm. 2 (2023): Monográfico: Práctica y uso de la escritura en contextos rurales del noroeste peninsular”. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval 41(2): 3–8. 


Castro Correa, A., “El presbítero rural y la cultura escrita en el noroeste peninsular (s. X). Reflexiones iniciales”. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval 41(2): 35-57.


De Luca, E.; Castro Correa, A., “Prácticas de escritura na Maia: una nueva fuente con notación hispánica antigua de Portugal”. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval 41(2): 59-83.


Justo Sánchez, D.; Álvarez López, F. J., “Protagonistas colaterales de la historia monástica en el ámbito rural. Procesos históricos locales y génesis documental en los primeros textos del archivo del monasterio de Oseira”. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval 41(2): 85-110.

Book chapter

Castro Correa, A., “Una comparación: el caso gallego. Aproximación a una realidad no documentada”, in Pastos, iglesias y tierras. Los comunales en la Meseta del Duero (siglos IX-XII), edited by I. Martín Viso, Sílex (colección Sílex universidad) 2022. ISBN: 978-84-19077-32-5. Pre-print

Book chapter

Justo Sánchez, D., “Vivir sobre el territorio: bienes comunales y territorialidad supralocal en la meseta del Duero”, in Pastos, iglesias y tierras. Los comunales en la Meseta del Duero (siglos IX-XII), edited by I. Martín Viso, Sílex (colección Sílex universidad) 2022. ISBN: 978-84-19077-32-5.


Carvajal Castro, Á.; Evangelista Marques, A.; Barrett, G.; Agúndez San Miguel, L.; Castro Correa, A.; Fernández Ferreiro, M.; Jarrett, J.; Peterson, D.; Quetglas Munar, R.; Sánchez Pardo, J. C.; Santos Salazar, I.; Tomás Faci, G., Towards a transregional approach to early medieval Iberia”, History Compass 20/6 (2022). Read


Following the OpenAcess and OpenScience policy of the European Commission and the European Research Council, datasets resulted of the project will be open and free available for consult and reuse for those who are interested.

PeopleAndWriting – Methodology Palaeographical analysis

Summary of the key paleographic aspects to be analysed within the framework of the European research project “The Secret Life of Writing: People, Script and Ideas in the Iberian Peninsula (c. 900-1200)”.

Publication date: October 29, 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7263336
Keyword(s): Paleography Paleography Manuscript Studies
Grants: European Commission: PeopleAndWriting – The Secret Life of Writing: People, Script and Ideas in the Iberian Peninsula (c. 900-1200) (850604)
License (for files): Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Cite as Castro Correa, Ainoa. (2022). PeopleAndWriting – método de análisis paleográfico [Data set]. Zenodo.

Catálogo de Fuentes Diplomáticas Gallegas, años 900-1200

Editable database in Excel format that includes detailed information on the more than 3,500 documents, produced in Galicia between the years 900 and 1200, compiled to build the Catálogo de Fuentes Diplomáticas Gallegas. This dataset can also be accesed through the search engine on this website.

Publication date: October 29, 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7263234
Keyword(s): Paleography Paleography Manuscript Studies Medieval History
Grants: European Commission: PeopleAndWriting – The Secret Life of Writing: People, Script and Ideas in the Iberian Peninsula (c. 900-1200) (850604)
License (for files): Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Cite as Ainoa Castro Correa. (2022). Catálogo de Fuentes Diplomáticas Gallegas, años 900-1200 [Data set]. Zenodo.