USER GUIDE - People and Writing


Welcome to the Catálogo de fuentes diplomáticas gallegas, años 900-1200


Here you can search within the database based on the following fields:

  • You will be able to limit your search by indicating a chronological range by filling in the fields DESDE EL AÑO – HASTA EL AÑO.
  • SIGNATURA: In this field you can limit your search by archives or archival signature. References to each file are abbreviated as follows, in alphabetical order: ACLu = Arquivo da Catedral de Lugo, ACMo = Arquivo da Catedral de Mondoñedo; ACS = Arquivo da Catedral de Santiago de Compostela, AFPenzol = Arquivo da Fundación Penzol, AHDS = Arquivo Histórico de San Martiño Pinario/Diocesano de Santiago de Compostela, AHN = Archivo Histórico Nacional de Madrid, AHPO = Arquivo Histórico Provincial de Ourense, AHUS = Arquivo Histórico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela, AMSP = Arquivo do Mosteiro de San Paio de Antealtares, APSar = Arquivo Parroquial do Sar, ARG = Arquivo do Reino de Galicia, IVDJ = Archivo del Instituto Valencia de Don Juan, RAG = Arquivo da Real Academia Galega, RAH = Real Academia de la Historia, Schøyen = Schøyen Collection.
  • ESCRIBA: Free text search. We have kept the name of the scribe exactly as it appears on the document.
  • TIPOLOGÍA DOCUMENTAL: To choose from the dropdown.
  • INSTITUCIÓN DE TRANSMISIÓN: To choose from the dropdown.
  • TIPO DE LETRA: To choose from the dropdown.
  • ACCIÓN DOCUMENTAL: To choose from the dropdown.
  • REGESTO: Free text search.

Once the search has been filtered, the retrieved results will appear below with two query options: through a basic table distributed according to date-signature-record and as a downloadable file in pdf format.

Selecting the document through its signature, highlighted in red, it will be possible to access the file of each case, in which all the fields indicated above will be complete.

To access the edition of the document, the corresponding bibliographical reference is indicated abbreviated based on the list provided in the “sources” section with the following structure: first surname author(s)_abbreviated title (vol.)-document number.

Likewise, the resulting sheet can be downloaded in pdf format and shared directly on the main social networks as well as sent directly to an email address.

To consult the next result, you can use the return button or use the side scrolling arrows.