METHOD - People and Writing


How have we made the Catálogo de fuentes diplomáticas gallegas, años 900-1200?


The method that we have followed to prepare the catalogue began by checking the catalogues of all the archives likely to hold diplomatic sources produced in Galician centres, as well as all the diplomatic collections published of those ecclesiastical institutions that were active between 900 and 1200. We reviewed all the bibliographical references to the best of our knowledge that transcribed, edited, or studied documents, whether books, book chapters or articles, and we double-checked this list against the one produced after looking at the manuscripts kept at each archive.

This starting point, to which we have subsequently added the work of identification and cataloguing of unpublished documentation, has allowed us to compile a list of all the documents of this chronology, divided by institutions and dioceses, preserved as single sheets (charters, originals and copies) or in cartularies (considering only the earlier ones – 13th century – unless the institution keeps only a modern cartulary).

As a result, we completed a database with the following fields, content, and differentiations:

  • FECHA: The date of the document is indicated as found in it, corrected to the Hispanic era (difference of 38 years) in year-month-day format.
  • [FECHA]: This column is used in cases where the document does not contain an indication of a specific date or it falls within an approximate range of years in the same format as in the previous field or, at least, with an indication of the year or century.
  • INSTITUCIÓN: Indicate the main institution to which the document refers, if known. In the case of not knowing, the institution to which the document is linked for its preservation is maintained.
  • ARCHIVO: The archive in which the source is kept.
  • SIGNATURA: The archival reference of the document is indicated according to its most up-to-date reference. In the case of finding several copies of the same document, the first one will correspond to the oldest copy and the successive ones, separated by /, with the following copies. Abbreviations used: ACLu = Archivo de la Catedral de Lugo; AHN = Archivo Histórico Nacional de Madrid; AHUS = Archivo Histórico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela; AFP = Archivo del monasterio de Sta. María de Ferreira de Pantón…
  • TIPOLOGÍA DOCUMENTAL: The main documentary type is indicated, differentiating between REAL (when it is a document issued by the royal court/chancery), ECLESIÁSTICO (when the ecclesiastical character prevails), PRIVADO (content of a private nature, being related mainly to the aristocracy).
  • OTORGANTE: Indicates the grantor of the document differentiating between REAL (when the grantor is a member of the royal house), ECLESIÁSTICO (member of the church), PRIVADO (lay member of the aristocracy).
  • DESTINATARIO: Follows the same criteria as in the field OTORGANTE.
  • ACCIÓN DOCUMENTAL: Indicates the main action of the document: “compraventa, confirmación, donación, intercambio, inventario, pacto, pleito, testamento…”
  • TIPO DE LETRA: Indicates the writing system differentiating between: “visigótica cursiva, visigótica redonda, visigótica cursiva de transición, visigótica redonda de transición, carolina, protogótica, ciclo de escrituras góticas”. In the case of having several copies of the same document, the type of writing in each case will be indicated in the same order in which the documents appear in the SIGNATURA field separated by /.
  • TRADICIÓN DOCUMENTAL: In each case, it is indicated whether the document is considered an original or a copy based on its most recent edition or study. In the case of having several copies of the same document, the documentary tradition in each case will be indicated in the same order in which the documents appear in the SIGNATURA field separated by /.
  • REGESTO: The summary of the document is included as it appears in its most recent edition or study.
  • EDICIÓN: The most current publication in which the document has been edited is indicated in abbreviated form. For the correspondence of these abbreviations see annex. With the intention of locating all edited documents, in the EDICIÓN field the oldest publication has been used, which has been replaced if there is a more up-to-date one.