Welcome to the Catálogo de fuentes diplomáticas gallegas, años 900-1200


In this section you will be able to access the detailed list of all the extant documents preserved as charters, either as a single sheet pieces of parchment (original or copy), or as a part of a diplomatic codex, produced in the territory that is now Galicia between the years 900 and 1199 (1200 as cut-off date).

We culminate in this catalogue, in this its first public version, the tireless work that we have been developing for several years now, forming part of the necessary tasks of collecting documents from various research projects. Within the framework of the ERC project “The Secret Life of Writing”, we have been able to give a final push to the document search and analysis process that we present here in the hope that it will be useful for our own and others’ future research.

With this in mind, and in order to further advance research collaboration, in addition to the basic search engine that is accessed through the “query” tab, we will make the raw data available to the general public, so that each interested party can filter, order, view or reuse the shared information as needed.

Only two preliminary considerations: firstly, please, if you make use of the catalogue in any of its formats, remember to include the corresponding citation crediting our work; secondly, keep in mind that this first version of the catalogue will be updated to progressively include the located materials that are still unpublished as the members of the team process them and publish their findings.

Finally, if you notice any errors or know of sources that should be incorporated, we would appreciate your help in improving this resource.

Citing the catalogue:
  • The catalogue as a whole should be cited without a specific author as follows:

PeopleAndWriting – ERC StG Research Project 2020-2025 (Grant Agreement No. 850604). Catálogo de fuentes diplomáticas gallegas, años 900-1200, ( – last access [dd/mm/year]).

  • For a specific document (nº X):

PeopleAndWriting – ERC StG Research Project 2020-2025 (Grant Agreement No. 850604). Catálogo de fuentes diplomáticas gallegas, años 900-1200, doc. X ( – last access [dd/mm/year]).

The Catálogo de fuentes diplomáticas gallegas, años 900-1200 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.