SCRIBE OF AGES - People and Writing


Playing with 6th to 13th c.-Iberian Manuscripts


Scribe of Ages is an interactive videogame developed by an interdisciplinary team of teachers and reseachers from the university of Salamanca. We aim to bring medieval manuscripts closer to our students and to anyone interested in this type of source in an entertaining way, encouraging them to take their first steps in the study of our rich manuscript culture.

In Scribe of Ages, Odoario, a robot monk sent to the past by his cenobitic brothers to recover lost medieval knowledge, and the pilgrim Gabriel, join the player on a journey that travels directly into our past!

Odoario asks for help challenging the player to beat eight levels full of palaeographical practice and historical context in which the secret hidden in the codices is discovered. But the journey will not be easy. Titivillus, a disgraced monk contemporary of Odoario, maddened by the secrets hidden in the texts, will be adding obstacles while, at the same time, discovering the arduous task of the master copyist.

The levels currently available are:

  • 6th century – Mozarabic area – Half-Uncial script
  • 7th century – Córdoba – Uncial script
  • 8th century – Urgel-Cerdanya – Half-Uncial script
  • 9th century – Cogolla – Visigothic minuscule/round script
  • 10th century – Cardeña – Visigothic minuscule/round script
  • 11th century – Ripoll – Caroline minuscule script
  • 12th century – Silos – Visigothic minuscule/round script
  • 13th century – Toledo – Gothica textualis script
Captura de pantalla del juego Scribe of AgesCaptura de pantalla del juego Scribe of Ages. Caracterización personajes. Proyecto People and Writing, Universidad de Salamanca

Through the palaeographic practice focused on key manuscripts of peninsular production from the 6th to the 13th centuries, Scribe of Ages revives the evolution of our written culture, reviewing the graphic models replicated by professional scribes and the most characteristic themes of written production.

You will be able to practice your knowledge about palaeography and discover curiosities about codices and charters that populated the Iberian Peninsula for many centuries and about the people who wrote them.


Don’t wait any longer and dare to discover our heritage!

This platform would not have been possible without the selfless collaboration of the archives that hold the manuscripts on which each stage of the game is based: Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Vatican Library, British Library, Royal Academy of History, Royal Monastery Archive of El Escorial, and University of Manchester.
Also, specials thanks are due to Cristina Alís Raurich, who played the original music that you can enjoy during the game:
“Fols vernalis stirps regalía”
Manuscrito: Robertsbridge Codex
Intérprete: Cristina Alís Raurich
“Alleluia Fulgenbunt iusti”
Manuscrito: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Lat. 903
Intérprete: Cristina Alís Raurich
órgano portativo del s. XIII



Ainoa Castro Correa, Universidad de Salamanca


Iñaki Martín Viso
Fernando Luis Corral
Gregorio del Ser Quijano
María Adelaida Andrés Sanz
Juan Miguel Valero Moreno
David Paniagua Aguilar


Cristina Alís Raurich


Andrés de Pedro


Jorge F. Peral


  • Justo Sánchez, D.; de la Pinta Rodríguez, P. (7 junio 2023), “Videojuegos y manuscritos medievales: Scribe of Ages”, Semana Internacional de los Archivos – Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca. Programa
  • Justo Sánchez, D.; Pombo Rial, A.; de la Pinta Rodríguez, P. (30 September 2022), Scribe of Ages en la Noche Europea de los Investigadores 2022. More
  • de la Pinta Rodríguez, P. (6 July 2022), “Scribe of Ages: un videojuego para aprender sobre el patrimonio manuscrito de nuestro país”. Noticias Salamanca – Diario digital. More
  • Castro Correa, A.; de la Pinta Rodríguez, P. (14 June 2022), “Jugar con los manuscritos para aprender”, Diario de Castilla y León, El Mundo – Innovadores. More
  • Castro Correa, A.; Justo Sánchez, D.; Luis Corral, F.; Álvarez López, F. J. (22 April 2022), “Scribe of Ages: un viaje lúdico-formativo a través del espacio-tiempo”, I Jornada de Innovación Docente de las Universidades Públicas de Castilla y León, Universidad de Valladolid. More
  • Castro Correa, A.; de la Pinta Rodríguez, P. (1 April 2022), “Scribe of Ages: Videojuego creado para acercar nuestro patrimonio cultural manuscrito al público general”, Concurso “Iniciativa Campus Emprendedor”, Fundación Universidades y Enseñanzas Superiores de Castilla y León, Salamanca. More
  • Castro Correa, A. (29 October 2020), Scribe of Ages: Playing with 6th to 13th c.-Iberian Manuscripts (0.75). Zenodo

Scribe of Ages ha recibido financiación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades del Gobierno de España, a través del programa Juan de la Cierva Incorporación y del Consejo Europeo de Investigación (ERCStG) bajo el programa de Investigación e Innovación de la Unión Europea Horizon 2020 (ERC Grant Agreement nº. 850604).

Marca European Reseach Council, Unión EuropeaMarca European Reseach Council, Unión Europea. Proyecto People and Writing, Universidad de Salamanca